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Whenever I stare at the large mirror of my tiny room, it shows two images of me: one vivid and another blur. In the first one, I find a pretty face in a perfect curvy body with the best complexion. It then makes me know that I am already what every girl would ever imagine being. I am compelled by my mirror to envy my own beauty. Glaring at my blue eyeballs, I wink at myself, I fall in love with myself.

Suddenly another image appears right in front of me where I see my face coated with black kazol(kazol mixed in my tears), I see small blue eyes with dreams as big as my mirror but vast fear surrounding it, I look at the stains of ugly touches on my body, they stink and I suffocate to survive, I notice sinister looks of men all over my curvy body and then I hate my body, I hate me more.

People curse those parents who kill their daughters in the womb but I bless them. I bless them because I have known,felt, and witnessed unsafe nights, scary public roads, demons in the face of men, forever blinded society(with their norms to always blame a girl, no matter what!). I guess those parents knew it already that's why they gave her a peaceful death.


Sorry to have said that boys. I do love men in the face of my father, my brother, my friends. The incident that has been permanently saved in my drive, drives me crazy every day. Let me tell you this in short.
I used to be a sports lover. I am still. I was selected from my college for a volleyball competition and I had to go to another city for that. We were in a group along with seniors and juniors. Despite my worst health condition, I practiced my best. My personal life was going like hell(ex-boyfriend kinds of stuff ( let's not talk about losers here). It was the day of the game when everyone went earlier and then I was the one who was left alone on the topmost floor (alone with my fever). I was lying almost unconscious in my bed when I felt a huge body garbing me from the back. I froze with fear. It was THE COACH. I couldn't believe that a person like a mentor would ever do such a thing to me. Well, it was not my first experience of introduction with such demons(i have been facing that since my childhood). I made him leave the room anyway and cried my heart out almost to death.

The thing that surprises me most is that those who were later on told about the incident did not take any action against that coach. Those are the guys who give vast lectures on women's rights and the protection of girls. These days I become more scared by thinking that what if i had been raped that day? Were they waiting for me to be raped to punish that demon? Or are they just taking it simple and minding their own business? I was more hurt by the ones who I thought were my well-wishers and who promised to give me justice than that coach who I had met just a few days before. 

Today let me announce dear well-wishers: now I have realized my power(the eternal power that your mother has, that my mother has and every woman of the world have). So next time if I see you on the street, with few candles. seeking justice for some innocent rape victim or talking about women's rights, I will hang you guys right there and afterward the culprit! because you guys are responsible to encourage the culprits. when people around the victim act as if nothing has happened they demotivate the victim and motivate the culprit.

NOW, as I have seen myself from my spirits, I don't stare at the mirror. I just look at it and I still see two images. The first one is the same and I adore it. The second one has become more visible to me. Now I feel like washing off my Kazol, bathing away the stinks from my body, and finally accepting the other me.

P.S. MY EYES: there is no fear anymore but don't look at them, they'll make you frightened for sure.




कोरोनाको पर्खाल

कोरोनाको पर्खाल: पर्खाल धेरै किसिमका हुन्छन्| कुनै पर्खालले जोगाउँछन् त कुनैले तहसनहस पार्छन्| जसरी इट्टाको पर्खाल बनाउनु मान्छेको हातमा हुन्छ त्यसैगरी सम्बन्धको बिचमा पर्खाल ठड्याउनु पनि सबै मान्छेकै हातमा हुन्छ| तर इट्टाबाट बनेका पर्खालहरु भत्काउनु जती सजिलो हुन्छ सम्बन्धको बिचमा बनेको पर्खाल तोड्न उत्तिनै गाह्रो| केही त्यस्ता पर्खालहरु त कहिलै पनि नफुट्ने गरी बिकराल रुप लिएरबसिदिन्छन् | शायद त्यस्तै कुनै पर्खाल यो कोरोनाले बनाउँदै छ कि! बिचार गरौँ! जीवन सबैको अमुल्य छ | एउटा VENTILATOR मा बसेर आफ्नु १०० औँ बर्ष बाँचिरहेको OLD MAN लाई पनि अज्जै बाँच्ने इच्छा हुन्छ| कलिलै उमेरमा दुर्घटनामा परेर ज्यान गुमाएकी ति सुन्तलीलाइ मर्ने मन त पक्कै थिएन| एउटा महान भनाइ छ: "समय भन्दा पहिले र भाग्य भन्दा धेरै कसैले कहिलै पाउँदैन।"  तर जीवन जती अमुल्य हुन्छ, त्यो भन्दा पनि अमुल्य सम्बन्ध हुन्छ| कोही आफ्ना रगतका नातालाई महत्व दिन्छन् त कोही आफ्ना मित्रताका| तर जो कोइ होस् आखिर मान्छे भएपछी भावना त सबैमा हुन्छ नै| जहाँँ माया हुन्छ त्यहाँ कोरोनाको पनि केही महत्व हुन सक्दैन |  भगवान् कृष्

तपाईं तपाईंको दिमाग हैन !

तपाईं तपाईंको दिमाग हैन | आजको अस्तब्यस्त समाजमा हामी खुशी ,सम्पन्नता, सन्तुस्टि,सुरक्षा ,माया आदिको खोजिमा दिन रात कुदिरहेका हुन्छौँ |हामी मध्ये धेरैलाई त आफु के का लागि हिड्दै छु भन्ने सोच्न सम्म नि फुर्सद हुँदैन |बाहिरी बस्तुहरुमा आफ्नु खुशी खोज्ने हाम्रो बानिले गर्दा नै आज हामी गहिरो दु:खमा छौं |बाहिरी बस्तु भन्नाले ति सबै कुराहरु जस्लाई हामी मेरो भन्ने गर्छौं;जस्तै: मेरो घर ,मेरो गाडी ,मेरो जमिन ,मेरी श्रीमती ,मेरो श्रीमान्,मेरा बच्चा ,मेरो शरीर |यी सबै केही नभएर तपाईंको दिमागले खेलेको खेल हो |समाजले या भनौ तपाईंको हुर्केको सेरोफेरोले तपाईंलाई केही नियमहरु सिकाएको जस्को पालन तपाईं दिन रात गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ बिना  कुनै प्रश्न किनभने ति नियमहरु तपाईंको दिमागमा सेट भएका छन् |तपाइले दिमागलाई चलाऊनु पर्ने थियो तर आजको बिडम्बना दिमागले तपाईंलाई चलाई रहेछ यो सबै पडिरहदा तपाईंलाई मेरा कुराहरु निक्कै दार्शनीक् लाग्लान् |येदि सबै कुराहरु हुँदा हुँदै पनि जीवन अधुरो जस्तो लाग्छ,आफुलाई सधैं दुखी मात्र पाउनु हुन्छ, बिना कारण रिश उठ्छ, मनमा धेरै कुराहरु खेलिरहन्छ भने आउनुहोस् एक्छिन समय दिएर पढ्नुह

Corona is innocent, I'm insane

picture For all your children that I turned dead The sins I committed, the mistakes I made I know this destiny is gonna fade Because You are the reason that I’m created Before this world, this life This universe and this birth I believe we were there Together with trust I strangled your love and Slowly betrayed you with time I broke your trust and God, you constantly amended mine Neither mother nor the moon is that white, How come you are so spotless, so clear, and bright? She born my body through her body And  You born my soul through your divine light Let me now be yours Since you were always mine Although I ignored you You were the one for me in hard times Fingers are pointed at Both you and they Where they blame my needs  And you show me the way The only thing I lament on is you making me so sensitive Too delicate for this time and pace Too slow to compete for this storm and race Oh God!!! What is going to take my life? Covid-19 or stress? Throughout my entire li


"How are you feeling miss Manishaa?"........... I looked up to see a young, beautiful, smiling lady in sky blue typical nurse's uniform standing beside me.                 "Umm....better",i whispered. I was lying in a bed (bed covered with blue bed sheets), my head resting on a soft pillow(that felt the softest pillow ever). The room was probably 320 square feet having spotlessly white-colored walls. On my left was a table (flower vase stayed calmly on the table), beside the table was a huge grey lounge(so huge that three like me could easily sleep). "How am I supposed to be here?....err...what happened to me?....and who brought me here?......since how long I'm here?..."I asked politely to the nurse and tried to be as calm as possible. My questions followed one after another like the semester exams not giving them time to pause(till then I was aware of being in a hospital bed)..... "Miss Manisha, Please take this medicine and rest. You can go

Why should a man play the major role in family's economy?

  Families in East Asia are considered to be perfect when men look after the family’s finances, women look after the kitchen and children and the elders(mostly men) take the major family decisions. The circumstances of perfection have changed a little bit as we see men changing baby diapers and cutting vegetables, women working outside the home and making money, and elders considering the opinion of other younger family members. But the major responsibility of kitchen and children goes to the women no matter how hard they work the whole day. This is the major issue which female activists have been raising now and then. Today I am not here to put my views upon this cliche topic though it’s important because all of you have been doing that time and again. For now, let's talk about men and the by birth duties that have been prescribed to them so that we might be able to find the route of equality for both men and women. It is unjust to hand over the major financial responsibility of a

That’s me!

  That’s me! I know a girl who is Brave but Sensitive Emotional and Creative Talkative as well as Tentative Actually, Her attitude fits in none of the nouns and adjectives shhhhh…….. I got a tale to tell Few of her secrets to yell   Once upon a time was a full moon(Purnima) with lots of flaws. She kept gasping for Oxygen while sharpening her claws. Her bold feminism and that downpouring rainstorm She was in a dilemma: whether to install an Internet Explorer or Google Chrome She thought: Time: high or low Will come and go Who will stay with even when I say no? Though it was raining, I saw her tears Even in that pitch darkness, I witnessed her fears She thought and thought and thought till her head cracked with pain Yet could not decide which web browser to actually claim  Among many, two were the most Between those two she herself was lost This or that or this or that or this……. Severe headache and stress so deep **ck that creep! She shut down her laptop and went to sleep

दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय

दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय   तिमीलाई जति यो ग्रिश्मले पोल्छ  मलाई पनि त्यति नै पोल्छ तर म तौलिया बेरेर नाङ्गो छाति देखाउँदिन तिमीले त्यसो गर्दा पनि म कुनै उत्तेजनामा आउँदिन   खबरदार! मेरो तिघ्रालाई पुरानो थोत्रे फरियामा कैद गर्न नखोज मेरो स्वतन्त्रतालाई तिमि आफ्नो पैतृक सम्पत्ति नसोच  मेरो तिघ्रा त्यस्तै छ जस्तो तिम्री आमाको  आशिर्वाद छ मलाई मेरी आमा अनि बाबाको  नहेर ! तिघ्रामा केहि पाइन्न , खोज ! सायद तिम्री श्रीमतीको आँखामा तिम्रो लागि सम्मान होला ! चुक्….चुक्.… दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय ! कम्तिमा आफुले खाएको थाल त मोल !

My mom always lived in the quarantine

Where the whole world is trembling with the fear of Coronavirus, it is my mother who doesn't give a damn about the virus. Let me describe my mom's personality before telling you guys about the secret of her quarantine.  My Mother is a quiet lady with an abundance of skills and intelligence. I am overwhelmed to see how she finds a solution to every little-big problem effortlessly. I often give her the title of an engineer as she has the intellect of an engineer, although her smallest daughter is going to get the certificate. She creates her own jewelry by giving them an extraordinary design, which is found in no market. She knows to make Dhaka cloth, knit woolen clothes, sing, etc none of which I am skilled at doing. Despite having all these qualities she lives in-home quarantine ever since I remember.  Talking about the experiences, my mother has traveled to more places than I ever had. She is the dear daughter of her lost father who still keeps pride in her birthplace and s

RED:part 1

While passing through the sub-street of the heart of New York City at midday of February, something unusual stroked my head with an unexpected beat in my heart. Well! this was not the first time that I was walking through those large pavements. Those pavements touched the same old church, Rosemary's romantic cafe, department stores, a cyber, and so on. Though I lived in California, I used to visit my old, loving, and kind grandpa[an American citizen I have known in Nepal(my country)] in New York City every weekend. I could not understand what was happening to me as it had never happened in these long years in America. At an instant, my body was shivering with sharp goosebumps as if I was going to face an adventure. I held my breath and pressed my palms with my fingers(making the fist hard) as hard as I could. Before my mind could get the information from my eye nerves, my whole body turned back towards Rosemary's romantic cafe that I had just crossed. And then what I actually s