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Common myths that will never let you grow financially.

Do you think that the beard around the mouth would stop a thirsty person from drinking? Or do you believe that this universe can kill the person who is willing to live?

Well, the circumstances could be different in each case but what you should know is nothing is mightier than the belief of a person. Practically, I have seen my father winning battles over death and keeping doctors in astonishment when his desire to live defeated his growing creatinine in the kidney, reducing heart life, increasing diabetes, painful hernia, and whatnot.

If we observe closely 98% of people around us, have been mistaking their lives with false assumptions about time and money.

Let me recall the phrases that you have been imitating or practicing.

"I'll Start Saving Money Later": 

And that "later" never comes. Well, delaying saving for the future can have significant financial consequences. Whether you make thousands or lakhs; your expenditures are always growing along with your income. So, it's wise to realize that the power of compounding means that the earlier you start saving and investing, the more you can accumulate over time. Besides, it doesn't matter if you save tiny amounts because it's also about setting a habit and training your mind to not spend.

"I Need to Buy a House to Build Wealth": 

The truth is buying a house can make bigger holes in your wallet than the bulky interest loan from the bank. While homeownership can be a good investment, it's not the only path to wealth. If you keep your emotions of permanent security aside, renting can be financially savvy in certain situations, allowing you to invest your money elsewhere. After all, nothing is permanent on this planet. So, how about giving it a second thought?

"I Don't Need a Budget": 

You can be a small job holder and make great financial progress in 10 years. At the same time, you can be a wealthy child and become a beggar in 10 years. No matter your current status, not having a budget can lead to overspending and financial stress. Creating a budget helps you track expenses, save money, and achieve your financial goals. At least you will know where your money is going because many of us have no idea where all our money vanishes within the very first week of the month.

"I Have Plenty of Time to Plan for Retirement": 

Time is magical. It neither stops nor waits for anyone. Have you realized how fast you've come to your 20s, 30s, or 40s while you just remember being in the last year of high school? In a similar way, procrastinating on retirement planning can leave you with inadequate savings. That is why, do whatever the hell you wanna do with your life: before it's too late.

"Credit Card Debt is Normal": 

The truth is that it has been normalized by credit card sellers to benefit themselves from the loss that they cause you in the name of credits. Carrying credit card debt with high interest rates is undoubtedly costly. However, you can be smarter than such financial loopholes, and pay off credit card balances in full each month.

"Investing is Only for the Wealthy": 

This is the most heard voice of middle-class mentality. The truth is that you don't need a large income to start investing. Many affordable investment options are accessible to people with various income levels. even if you have 1 thousand rupees, you can do your research and invest in that IPO. Let me tell you my secret; I paid my semester fee from the return I received from such IPOs.

"I Can Get Rich Quick": 

My all-time favorite quote is "Rome was not built in a day." Believing in get-rich-quick schemes often results in financial losses. The truth is that building sustainable wealth usually requires patience, discipline, and consistent effort. So, just pause if you're going to throw away your money on that trending cryptocurrency in the market. Trends are not meant for longer dear; that's why they're called trends.

"I'll Worry About Estate Planning Later": 

Again, there's no later. Life has soo many shits to trouble you that you'll never have a fully dedicated time to plan for your dream estate asset. Whilst, having an estate plan can lead to clarity and smooth legal battles for your heirs. It's essential to create a will and consider other estate planning tools sooner rather than later.

This much is enough for my readers for the time being. Either agree or disagree, these are the common misconceptions that have been leading you to poor financial decisions and potentially hindering your financial well-being. Recognizing and addressing them might be helpful in making more informed choices and saving time and money in the long run.



कोरोनाको पर्खाल

कोरोनाको पर्खाल: पर्खाल धेरै किसिमका हुन्छन्| कुनै पर्खालले जोगाउँछन् त कुनैले तहसनहस पार्छन्| जसरी इट्टाको पर्खाल बनाउनु मान्छेको हातमा हुन्छ त्यसैगरी सम्बन्धको बिचमा पर्खाल ठड्याउनु पनि सबै मान्छेकै हातमा हुन्छ| तर इट्टाबाट बनेका पर्खालहरु भत्काउनु जती सजिलो हुन्छ सम्बन्धको बिचमा बनेको पर्खाल तोड्न उत्तिनै गाह्रो| केही त्यस्ता पर्खालहरु त कहिलै पनि नफुट्ने गरी बिकराल रुप लिएरबसिदिन्छन् | शायद त्यस्तै कुनै पर्खाल यो कोरोनाले बनाउँदै छ कि! बिचार गरौँ! जीवन सबैको अमुल्य छ | एउटा VENTILATOR मा बसेर आफ्नु १०० औँ बर्ष बाँचिरहेको OLD MAN लाई पनि अज्जै बाँच्ने इच्छा हुन्छ| कलिलै उमेरमा दुर्घटनामा परेर ज्यान गुमाएकी ति सुन्तलीलाइ मर्ने मन त पक्कै थिएन| एउटा महान भनाइ छ: "समय भन्दा पहिले र भाग्य भन्दा धेरै कसैले कहिलै पाउँदैन।"  तर जीवन जती अमुल्य हुन्छ, त्यो भन्दा पनि अमुल्य सम्बन्ध हुन्छ| कोही आफ्ना रगतका नातालाई महत्व दिन्छन् त कोही आफ्ना मित्रताका| तर जो कोइ होस् आखिर मान्छे भएपछी भावना त सबैमा हुन्छ नै| जहाँँ माया हुन्छ त्यहाँ कोरोनाको पनि केही महत्व हुन सक्दैन |  भगवान् कृष्

तपाईं तपाईंको दिमाग हैन !

तपाईं तपाईंको दिमाग हैन | आजको अस्तब्यस्त समाजमा हामी खुशी ,सम्पन्नता, सन्तुस्टि,सुरक्षा ,माया आदिको खोजिमा दिन रात कुदिरहेका हुन्छौँ |हामी मध्ये धेरैलाई त आफु के का लागि हिड्दै छु भन्ने सोच्न सम्म नि फुर्सद हुँदैन |बाहिरी बस्तुहरुमा आफ्नु खुशी खोज्ने हाम्रो बानिले गर्दा नै आज हामी गहिरो दु:खमा छौं |बाहिरी बस्तु भन्नाले ति सबै कुराहरु जस्लाई हामी मेरो भन्ने गर्छौं;जस्तै: मेरो घर ,मेरो गाडी ,मेरो जमिन ,मेरी श्रीमती ,मेरो श्रीमान्,मेरा बच्चा ,मेरो शरीर |यी सबै केही नभएर तपाईंको दिमागले खेलेको खेल हो |समाजले या भनौ तपाईंको हुर्केको सेरोफेरोले तपाईंलाई केही नियमहरु सिकाएको जस्को पालन तपाईं दिन रात गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ बिना  कुनै प्रश्न किनभने ति नियमहरु तपाईंको दिमागमा सेट भएका छन् |तपाइले दिमागलाई चलाऊनु पर्ने थियो तर आजको बिडम्बना दिमागले तपाईंलाई चलाई रहेछ यो सबै पडिरहदा तपाईंलाई मेरा कुराहरु निक्कै दार्शनीक् लाग्लान् |येदि सबै कुराहरु हुँदा हुँदै पनि जीवन अधुरो जस्तो लाग्छ,आफुलाई सधैं दुखी मात्र पाउनु हुन्छ, बिना कारण रिश उठ्छ, मनमा धेरै कुराहरु खेलिरहन्छ भने आउनुहोस् एक्छिन समय दिएर पढ्नुह

Corona is innocent, I'm insane

picture For all your children that I turned dead The sins I committed, the mistakes I made I know this destiny is gonna fade Because You are the reason that I’m created Before this world, this life This universe and this birth I believe we were there Together with trust I strangled your love and Slowly betrayed you with time I broke your trust and God, you constantly amended mine Neither mother nor the moon is that white, How come you are so spotless, so clear, and bright? She born my body through her body And  You born my soul through your divine light Let me now be yours Since you were always mine Although I ignored you You were the one for me in hard times Fingers are pointed at Both you and they Where they blame my needs  And you show me the way The only thing I lament on is you making me so sensitive Too delicate for this time and pace Too slow to compete for this storm and race Oh God!!! What is going to take my life? Covid-19 or stress? Throughout my entire li


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दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय

दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय   तिमीलाई जति यो ग्रिश्मले पोल्छ  मलाई पनि त्यति नै पोल्छ तर म तौलिया बेरेर नाङ्गो छाति देखाउँदिन तिमीले त्यसो गर्दा पनि म कुनै उत्तेजनामा आउँदिन   खबरदार! मेरो तिघ्रालाई पुरानो थोत्रे फरियामा कैद गर्न नखोज मेरो स्वतन्त्रतालाई तिमि आफ्नो पैतृक सम्पत्ति नसोच  मेरो तिघ्रा त्यस्तै छ जस्तो तिम्री आमाको  आशिर्वाद छ मलाई मेरी आमा अनि बाबाको  नहेर ! तिघ्रामा केहि पाइन्न , खोज ! सायद तिम्री श्रीमतीको आँखामा तिम्रो लागि सम्मान होला ! चुक्….चुक्.… दया लाग्यो सम्माननीय ! कम्तिमा आफुले खाएको थाल त मोल !

My mom always lived in the quarantine

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RED:part 1

While passing through the sub-street of the heart of New York City at midday of February, something unusual stroked my head with an unexpected beat in my heart. Well! this was not the first time that I was walking through those large pavements. Those pavements touched the same old church, Rosemary's romantic cafe, department stores, a cyber, and so on. Though I lived in California, I used to visit my old, loving, and kind grandpa[an American citizen I have known in Nepal(my country)] in New York City every weekend. I could not understand what was happening to me as it had never happened in these long years in America. At an instant, my body was shivering with sharp goosebumps as if I was going to face an adventure. I held my breath and pressed my palms with my fingers(making the fist hard) as hard as I could. Before my mind could get the information from my eye nerves, my whole body turned back towards Rosemary's romantic cafe that I had just crossed. And then what I actually s