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Unfolding Mental Illness

  Unfolding Mental Illness

Neither it can be seen nor it can be touched but that doesn’t mean it ceases to exist. It’s like completely transparent air, that’s why you feel it and you cannot live without it. It can make you or break you. It can bring you to melancholy or elation within a fraction of seconds. The more you try to perceive with eyes, the more it becomes invisible. There’s only one way to know it and it is to believe that it is there.

The “it” mystery that I've been talking about is none other than brain or mind or intellect or sense or grey matter: whatever you call it. When the mind becomes different or functions differently from the defined definition of normal behavior, it is called mental illness. In other words, a condition that causes serious disorder in a person's thinking or behavior is defined as mental illness. Since its symptoms are completely different from the signs of cough or cancer, we cannot always figure out the kind of mental illness and its medications. We are not too far from the fact that no mental illness can be fully cured through medical pills as it also requires an individual’s effort, changes in lifestyle and thoughts, acceptance, and meditation. In simple words let’s regard it as more dangerous than HIV AIDS or cancer as living with mental illness is itself a hell that can make a person end their own life at any time.

Mental health disturbances

  1. Food 


The foods that you eat every day might be making your brain function more or less than necessary. When the brain has to operate more or less than the capacity, it leads to mental illness. It is proven that eating just before going to bed or eating a full stomach before sleeping causes nightmares. The reason behind this is that the brain needs to function more in order to carry out metabolism activity and hence brain waves are induced causing nightmares. The intake of foods like fried food, processed meat, refined cereals, candy, pastries, and high-fat dairy products can make the person more anxious and depressed. The foods like chicken, egg, milk, fruits, and vegetables release more serotonin in the brain and one can vividly remember their dreams. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that is advantageous for mental health. On the other hand, It’s good to avoid foods and drinks containing caffeine and gluten as it holds the record to cause anxiety.

  1. Heredity


Here let’s take an example of a mango plant. We know that mango plants always give mango as a fruit. In the same way, it is obvious that the children bear the properties of their parents. The DNA cells are transferred from parents to children exhibiting similar physical and psychological properties. But there’s always a chance of exception in human beings because each individual is different from the other. Among the several mental diseases; bipolar disorder, one in ten children of the same parents can have it. In the patients having schizophrenia, there’s a 10% chance if one parent or brother, or sister has the disease. The chance increases to 40% if both the parents have the disease and the chance goes up to 50% if the twin brother or sister has schizophrenia. 

  1. Stress


Stress is one of the inevitable parts of human life. Like we cannot imagine a day without night, happiness always comes along with a bit of sadness and that’s the rule of the universe. Stress neither comes with an expiry date nor with any manufacturing date. When a sensitive mind cannot handle the pressure of distress, it leads to several different mental diseases. It also gives birth to several different physical diseases and worsens the illness if it already exists.

  1. Mental Injury


The deep injury in the head due to accidents can also lead to mental illness. There is a saying in our Nepalese society that we should never hit someone, especially a child in the head. It is said so because even minor brain injuries can lead to serious and unrecoverable mental illnesses for a lifetime. The head injury can lead to nerve damage that in turn causes mental trauma. That is why we can analyze that every head problem has more or less connected with the mental health and thought of the person (For instance migraine).

  1. Childhood


It is said that childhood is the foundation of life. Whatever shape one’s life takes depends on childhood. That is why it is our major responsibility to give the correct environment for our children to nurture and grow. It is said that we become what we are fed and hence a child should always be fed good culture and foods to make their health and future bright and beautiful. The famous saying from William Wordsworth ”A child is the father of a man”, also symbolizes the same thing in a deeper scenario.

  1. Certain life-changing event(sudden loss or gain)


When an unexpected event happens in life, we cannot control the flow of certain hormones in our brain and body. Either it overflows or underflows according to the situation and seriousness of the event. Sometimes we become completely shattered from within and it becomes impossible to console ourselves and recovery from that event is impossible. For example unexpected death, unexpected lottery, sudden loss or gain of plenty of wealth, etc affects our mind in such a way that we fall into that deep pit of mental illness being helpless to retrieve ourselves from that.

  1. Inactivity


The movement of mind and body are inversely proportional to each other. When we are physically active, the circulation of blood in the brain is efficient. Due to this the movement and functioning of oxygen and other nutrients is high in the brain which keeps our nervous system healthy. Exercise promotes feeling good chemicals in the brain. It is also proved that crying increases awareness like yoga or martial arts. Crying also loses weight as stressful hormones pass through tears. However, crying every day and way too much is abnormal and causes harm. P. S. Too much of anything is not good.

  1. Lack of love:


We know that the life of every creature on this planet starts with love. Those who believe in God also define God as the eternal foundation of love. I personally think that being a creation of nature to unlove is to become unnatural. One’s life can never be fulfilled with any luxury or fame when they lack love in their life. Love can not only be received from our parents or partner but from our pet as well. When there is a scarcity of love in our life the hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins are not produced in the required quantity and hence we become mentally sick and unstable. Life is incomplete without love and nothing else can fill the space of love in one’s life.

  1. Violence:


The scenes beyond our usual habit such as violent and abnormal scenes that create disturbances in the mind can lead to mental illness. The decrease in serotonin over normal for a longer time is harmful to the brain. The unpleasant and undesirable circumstances hamper our nervous system. Violence does not necessarily have to be physical. Either it was yesterday’s world war’s threat or it is today’s corona fear, both can be taken as mental outbreaks of violence to humankind which has been causing psychological disorders. There’s no doubt that violence leads to mental illness.

  1. The sixth sense:


The unseen and unbelievable matter that our science has not yet succeeded to prove is the sixth sense. The person who has spiritual power also behaves differently than the normal human being. We might give it a name of coincidence and superstition but deep down we cannot deny that it is something beyond the so-called superstition and coincidence. Maybe this is the reason why hospitals also have praying rooms. I don’t know if there’s God or a demon but I surely believe in the positive and negative energies that occupy our surroundings. Tantra and supernatural things are not everyone’s cup of tea and it requires lots of intellect to recognize these things. Things always appear the way we behold them. So the ongoing corona might also be a wise game of nature that has been giving us enough self-realization time and teaching us the importance of nature conservation. This might be the time to discover the unmanifested. After all mental illness is just a state of one’s mind being different from other's definition of normal.  

picture source:


  1. I like Ur words ... It's beautiful...
    Specially the context in "the sixth sense"... May be coz m Intersted in that

    1. Thank you Prashun! People are rarely interested in these topics and i'm glad to have your comment on my blog.


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कोरोनाको पर्खाल

कोरोनाको पर्खाल: पर्खाल धेरै किसिमका हुन्छन्| कुनै पर्खालले जोगाउँछन् त कुनैले तहसनहस पार्छन्| जसरी इट्टाको पर्खाल बनाउनु मान्छेको हातमा हुन्छ त्यसैगरी सम्बन्धको बिचमा पर्खाल ठड्याउनु पनि सबै मान्छेकै हातमा हुन्छ| तर इट्टाबाट बनेका पर्खालहरु भत्काउनु जती सजिलो हुन्छ सम्बन्धको बिचमा बनेको पर्खाल तोड्न उत्तिनै गाह्रो| केही त्यस्ता पर्खालहरु त कहिलै पनि नफुट्ने गरी बिकराल रुप लिएरबसिदिन्छन् | शायद त्यस्तै कुनै पर्खाल यो कोरोनाले बनाउँदै छ कि! बिचार गरौँ! जीवन सबैको अमुल्य छ | एउटा VENTILATOR मा बसेर आफ्नु १०० औँ बर्ष बाँचिरहेको OLD MAN लाई पनि अज्जै बाँच्ने इच्छा हुन्छ| कलिलै उमेरमा दुर्घटनामा परेर ज्यान गुमाएकी ति सुन्तलीलाइ मर्ने मन त पक्कै थिएन| एउटा महान भनाइ छ: "समय भन्दा पहिले र भाग्य भन्दा धेरै कसैले कहिलै पाउँदैन।"  तर जीवन जती अमुल्य हुन्छ, त्यो भन्दा पनि अमुल्य सम्बन्ध हुन्छ| कोही आफ्ना रगतका नातालाई महत्व दिन्छन् त कोही आफ्ना मित्रताका| तर जो कोइ होस् आखिर मान्छे भएपछी भावना त सबैमा हुन्छ नै| जहाँँ माया हुन्छ त्यहाँ कोरोनाको पनि केही महत्व हुन सक्दैन |  भगवान् कृष्

तपाईं तपाईंको दिमाग हैन !

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